Saturday, August 28, 2010

Fair Farts

Sweeny strollin with Big Daddy checkin out the sheeps

We decided to be good patrons of our county this year and head to the Fair.  We, of course, went on the busiest night of the week, because there was a rock star there that Big Daddy really, Really, REEEALLY wanted to see.  So we loaded the troops up into the big blue buh'vuhvan (Sweeny for suburban) and headed the 5.2 miles to the fairgrounds.

What can I say.... I don't live in a big town.

We pet the rabbits.


we checked out some geese

met an appropriately named rooster

 But the best thing that happened all night was when we went over to check out the steers.......  it was a moment in time that can never be reproduced, and as a mother I must say I failed in my duties to adequately chronicle my children's lives, I was not rolling video on this moment of all moments.......
                           One of these...........
Ripped the biggest....
Most Odiferous.......
Cheek Flappin.......
Tail Twitchen..........
Fart..........  Right. On .  Hunter..................  ahahahahahhhhahahahahahahaha!!!!!!

Just as he realized what had happened, he turned to express his shock, horror, and I am sure, a wee bit of awe, regarding the steer's PSI rating....

He nearly missed getting pooed on by a different steer.

Again, I missed this photo op.  I was nearly in tears I was laughing so hard.

I recovered enough to get this......
Gotta love it......


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