Sunday, May 31, 2009

Let it not be said my life is dull..........

So we are visiting the folks...

All is well......

and then Tayler, poor Tayler, had to go and tell me she was sick..........

She was having pains in her abdomen. ( no not THOSE kind... sheesh...) But the kind that start a mom thinking their kid might have appendicitis..... oh yeah, you read that right...

SO....... like i said we are visiting the folks...... Amy is not feeling well, mom has to take care of dad, so now Tay is sick and i have to find somewhere to leave the boys so that i can take her to the emergency room ( just the thing i wanted to do on a Saturday night) you say, just leave the boys with your folks...........

Clearly~~ you do not know my boys..... if i had left them here.... they may have torn down the house!

My friends Ken and Christine, offered to watch Hunter and Jeremiah along with Evan that had already been at their house since the night before.
So i bag and tag everyone, and load them into the car, and off we go....

After dropping the boys off and bribing them with rides on the 4-wheeler to get them to not cry when i leave......
Tayler and i are off to the ER

After registering, and sitting with the nurse that hears the world complain, about all their aches and pains and probably thinks that we are all just hypochondriacs.... we make it in to the back to see a Dr.
the doctor, who introduces himself as Harry, listens to Taylers woes.... he too is thinking appendix...... Tayler is now getting freaked out at the thought of surgery. I am trying to remain calm.... like i do this sort of thing every day... like there are no worries..... in my head, i am screaming............ "ARE YOU KIDDING ME????!!!!!!?????"

Harry orders some LOVELY tests for Tayler that no 13 year old should EVER have to endure..... and after some severe tears and trauma from getting her blood drawn and an IV inserted..... she now has some good drugs on board and is feeling no pain..... ( ... i was just wishing they gave some to parents for our misery.... but alas, no such luck, I had to stay sober)
After a CAT scan, and obligatory urine samples and blood tests..... her appendix is healthy and happy, but she has a cyst on her right ovary.... this is the culprit of all her pain....

For now she is doing well, has some good drugs for the pain..... and we will be headed to the "lady" doctor when we get back home.

oh yeah... poor Ken and Christine with the little boys.... they had them for 4 hours and were wiped out!..... between hunter announcing that he was headed for the pool..screaming at the top of his lungs....." i don't know how to swim..but i am going in anyway!" and nearly giving them a heart attack.... Jeremiah eating bubbles in the bath tub, Hunter coming out with a athletic cup over his nose and mouth and asking " hey, what kind of mask is this used for?" ( yes, ken made him go wash his face) Jeremiah walking around and licking everyone like he was a puppy...... they were extremely glad I was the one with the 2 and 6 yr old....and NOT THEM!

see.... i tell you.... my life is NOT dull!

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