Wednesday, January 12, 2011

White as Snow

This morning I awoke to a crisp white wonderland. 

As I sipped my coffee, I enjoyed the freshness that was covering the ground.
My driveway was light and fluffy white.
The dying yellow grass in the yard was covered with a soft sheet of white. 
The trees were dusted with snow, as if the powdered sugar fairy flew over them in the night. 
Stark gray branches on leafless trees, are softened by the contrast of bright white snow, resting in the gnarled twigs.

I was reminded of the hymn Whiter than Snow.  How, by Christ's blood, we are washed, and made whiter than snow.  I am still human.  I still sin.  The gift of atonement covers me with Christ's righteousness, and when I am looked upon by God....  He sees me clean, spotless, like a dusting of beautiful snow.

My yard is still full of sticks, the ground is bare and dusty.  The grass is still yellow, and dormant.  The trees still don't have leaves, they are stark and gray.  Yet, I don't see those things.  I see only the covering of snow, and it is beautiful.

"Wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow." Psalm 51:7

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