Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Kids say the darnest things!

Today, we were at the library.... and everything was going great.....


Jeremiah opened his mouth.

So we are walking out of the library, and there is a gentleman sitting on a bench.

And Jeremiah says...  " He's so bid, mom....."

I jerk his hand and give him the LOOK.  The one that with combined with the hand jerk, means....  "SHUT UP! I can't believe you just said that!!"

He missed my subtle clue....  he kept talking....  and not only talking, he added straining and contorting ones body to see the very large man on the bench, so that there is absolutely no doubt in this man's mind that this little kid is talking about him and only him.

Now Jeremiah says, as he is being drug speedily from the scene by his mother..... " heez, sooo , fat."

I wanted to die.  Right there on the spot.  I wanted the earth to swallow me whole, and take my brutally honest, overtly frank, and extremely LOUD child with me.

That didn't happen.... so I said to Jeremiah, loudly, because I didn't want the poor guy who had just heard a kid say that about him.... to think that this child's mother was encouraging such rude or unloving remarks....  I said  " He is the way God made him.  God thinks he is beautiful just the way he is, and He loves him just like He loves you."

He pondered that fact for a minute.....
Long enough for us to get half way across the parking lot, and out of ear shot....
He looks behind him again, and replied...." but mom.... heez sooo fat."
I can see this is going to have to be one of those things that takes a while to sink in....
Next time, I will just take duct tape with me to the library......

1 comment:

  1. Oh BOY do I have a couple of stories I could share- I prayed for the ground to open and swallow me whole!

    Out of the mouths of babes....


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